December 15

Procrastination vs Happiness

When you live your life with an outlook towards wellness, it’s easy to lose track of some silly little things that can eventually build up to get in the way of feeling happy— or healthy!

How we navigate around our choices and our priorities will have a lot to do with the sort of results we get in life and how we feel about the results we have day after day.

  To expose the link between our to-do lists and our sense of happiness, let’s look at some reasons why one might procrastinate in the first place. One of the most common reasons is having a poor sense of vision as to what it is you really want. By being unclear on what your goals are, it only follows that you would end up being uncertain about what your actions should be.  

Another interesting link is the fact that procrastinators often complain about not having enough time to do all of the things they want to do. In reality, it’s not that there isn't enough time to do what needs to get done but that there is too much time wasted not doing what needs to get done in favor of exploring other avenues.

If not having enough time is just an effect of poor organizational skills then it would simply follow that for individuals who feel stressed because there is never enough time to get everything done, there must be an easy solution!

Certainly there is and that solution is to stop and spend more time considering what is important to you and what can be cut.   Ultimately any conversation about procrastination will become one about organization, determination and something
that doesn't rhyme— excuses! It’s no wonder that mood can be negatively affected for those who choose to procrastinate in their lives. Feeling torn, bogged-down and generally unsure of yourself is no great way to be and thankfully there’s a way out of that trap.   Another common cause, effect, side-effect or excuse that comes up around talks of procrastination is the notion of being "too tired." Not to quickly write off this concern as meaningless but just as every other effect in life, this too has a cause. If you are tired all the time then it is upon you, the tired one, to determine the cause of your exasperation.   Just identifying that your procrastination is an effect of your poor, or under-developed, time management skills and your perhaps negligence to take a long, cold look at who you decide to be on a daily basis. Sometimes the road to where you want to go has beautiful sights that you never knew where there. Other times, there are drab scenes that you've seen a million times. Learning to love life for all of the riches it contains is the first step to re-prioritizing everything else you do to avoid procrastination and feel better !


Happiness, Mood, Motivation, Procrastination

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