January 28

10 working tips to be happier

Everyone is looking to be happy but the idea that happiness is the ultimate goal can be a mistake. What will come next ?
Will you be happy forever or trying to be even more happy. Happiness is not a goal but a style of life as you will do with your diet. As you choose to eat healthier food, you can do the same trying to make your life happier. Follow these few tips and you will start to notice a change in the way you see life.
  1. Forget the past Everyone has both sad and happy moments. You will probably get sad and happy moments again. So forget about what happened and focus in what you can do today. Unless  the science show us how to get back to the past, there is nothing you can do about what happened. Focus in the good time and move on.
  2. Be optimistic In everything bad there is a positive note. Indeed, it could have been worse. Look for that one.Always try looking on the bright side of things. Look for the silver lining behind each dark cloud. For example, if you had an unfortunate accident and your car is badly dented, but on the bright side is that nobody got hurt and that dent in your car can be repaired. There is always a bright side to look on so be optimistic!
  3. Family comes first Our relationships with them have a greater impact on our happiness than anything else. Besides all the social tools we use today to communicate, we tend to see less and less our family and friends.  Try to maintain a close relationship and give them a call as often as possible rather than using instant messaging. Even better, pay them a visit as we are made to be social creatures. You do not want to have 1000 virtual friends and have no one to call to say hi.
  4. Try finding a job that gives you happiness We spend at least 8 hours a day working, so try to have a positive attitude in your job. However, if you are feeling stressed out in your current job and not getting the job satisfaction that you want, perhaps it’s time for a career change. Maybe you will not find another job with the same salary but it is better to get less money doing something that you like rather than starting to get stress every mornings.
  5. Make friends
    Easier said than done I admit but you  need to make friends with people who share a common interest. Find something that you are deeply passionate about. It could be a hobby or an organization you can volunteer in. There you could meet people who the same interest and passion as you.
  6. Exercise It might not sound easy but the hardest part is to get started.  Exercising releases endorphins. So, not only you are taking care of your body but you will automatically start to feel good about yourself. If you can not afford to go the gym, try to have a walk every day or exercise at home.
  7. Change your thinking Do not look for tomorrow. No one is sure to be around, so you have to start living life to the fullest. Don’t delay your life a second longer. Try something new everyday or pick up a new skill!
  8. Don’t let the small stuff bug you Remember all the small petty stuff that used to bother you? Forget all about it and focus on the bigger picture. Life is too short to be worry about trivial stuff. If you are worried about something you have on you plate, just do it then move on .
  9. Live your life for yourself Do you like every one ? Probably not and this is fine as it is the same for all people. Then, stop trying to live your life up to other people’s expectations. You are your own person. So start living it for yourself! Do not worry about what people will think.
  10. Lastly, remember to love with all your heart You have all these love to give so give your love to something and start feeling happy today!
Follow these easy tips and even if you are not happy all the time you will get better and better and will start to see life from another angle. Take every new day as a new opportunity to get better and try to not go to sleep before using some of the advises above.


Everyday Life, Fighting stress, Practical Tips

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